Happy Easter! Keep raidin’ those eggs, team!

Hello and happy Easter everyone! Raiding’s going well in ED. We have been back to Mount Sharax the last two weeks among other stuff and we were just 2-3 members with 1.2k hit short from...

Old enemies defeated anew

Hi all! After a very quick run in RoF last Wednesday (under an hour even with new people! Finnie dead on first try!) our hunger for raids was not quite stilled yet so we decided to...

ED’s creative minds

Rift offers quite a lot of activities. While a lot of people enjoy the usual questing and fighting monsters and dragons and other players, there is also something for the creative minds! And ED has quite...

Rift Guild Meeting

Eternal Dawn members had their chance to discuss what they want to do in Rift to make the playing experience more enjoyable not just for any individual but all members. All those online piled into...

Down! …Good boy.

Another milestone for ED’s Rift team! Our very first run in with the guard dog at the doors of the T2 raid Hammerknell, Murdantix. Stubborn little puppy, took a while to tame it. But we made...

Rift’s Valentine’s Nightmare

Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day to everyone! Or Singles Awareness Day (S.A.D.) as some of our members prefer to call it. 😀 And what better is there to do on this lovely evening than to venture...

The onslaught continues!

After breezing through 4/5 MS and having Johan for dessert right after on Wednesday, we went for a random Rhen of Fate yesterday. We tried it on hard mode – with great success! 3/4 bosses...

Johan got SPLASHED

After a very quick Mount Sharax 4/5 clear we went off to Tyrants Forge to pay Johan a visit. Oh dear, what a crazy mess that was; “lets jump in the water and swim there...