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Yeah, I played WoW on a PvP server for years and founds ways to avoid PvP an awful lot. 🙂 It won’t stop me trying it! It’s touch and go whether I get a founder’s pack based on money issues, but WILL be playing at launch, for sure. I’m not big on betas when it means any progress I’ve made just gets wiped so will see how they handle open beta.

Ooh the Report lot do a Rift podcast as well. Imagine there’s a few out there for ArcheAge and EQNext. Will have to have a look when the internet’s back, can’t really download/stream on this hotspot thing.

And on EQN – we won’t be dealing with SoE. We get sky.jagajnmei.181.y.638 or something equally keyboard-faceroll-y.