Just returned to Rift today after years away – starting all new characters – one per class. Have Tiphaine level 12 warrior and Kathaine level 12 cleric and will have a rogue and mage within a few hours. All will craft – one reason for four avatars is to let me cover every craft. All names will end in “aine” for a “brand identity – no need to keep checking guildnotes to see who I am when I “toonswap”.
I looked at your forum and read your recruitment post in the official forums and think I will be a good fit. I am an experienced gamer and MMO player going back to Asheron’s Call with many MMOs under my belt. I plan at least another year here in Rift – EQ Next isn’t close and ESO was not appealing at all despite my hopes. I am over 18. WAY over 18
In MY day we walked to MMOs uphill in blizzards in both directions (moebius strip sidewalks and since this was well before global warming we had blizzards all the time).
Since your Rift people may not check this forum every few minutes
I looked at your forum and read your recruitment post in the official forums and think I will be a good fit. I am an experienced gamer and MMO player going back to Asheron’s Call with many MMOs under my belt. I plan at least another year here in Rift – EQ Next isn’t close and ESO was not appealing at all despite my hopes. I am over 18. WAY over 18 <drools and teeters<.
In MY day we walked to MMOs uphill in blizzards in both directions (moebius strip sidewalks and since this was well before global warming we had blizzards all the time).