I applying foir rift, under the name Amaithild. I looking for a casual guild as I spent a lot of time in pro guilds and did not enjoy it. Also as I have a very demanding and tiring job, I play mmo’s to relax not to feel under any pressure. I have recently joined rift and saw your post on forums. The word casual really stuck out and you seem like the type of people to enjoy the game with.
I tried most of the big games over the years, swg, AoC, swtor, TSW to name but a few. Solo games, icewind dale, baldurs gate, dragon age, mass effect.
I 38 years old, originally from scotland but now living in england, married and with two wonderful 🙄 12 year old stepdaughters who enjoy making my life hell 😯
Not sure how I can prove that I over 18, thats normally my line!! But I remember the time when windows was something you looked through, snake was the only game you could play on your phone which was in black and white with a tiny screen. Oh and my first pc was an amstrad, which you had to wait for around an hour to actually play a game. Also the first matrix was on at the cinema, wouldn’t the matrix be great in 3D 😮