About Us Forums General Discussion New Members I’ll just go ahead and introduce myself.

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  • #1548

    So I’m from North London, you don’t hear of many gamers from there, right?
    I’m only 13 so I don’t have any stories to really tell about my life, however I am an avid gamer and it’s what I spend most of my time doing.
    I started SW:TOR about a month ago and it’s my first MMO (I’m a console gamer mostly, but PC is just so much better now).
    I aspire to become a pilot, starting off my career in Her Majesty’s Royal Air Force, fighting for my country, then retiring from that after eight years to become a commercial pilot (If I’m still you know… alive.)
    My Real Name Is Warren
    I play on the Red Eclipse mostly, and I actually got recruited into the guild whilst playing an OP with Dim’hal (Adam’s alt I believe) since then I’ve got to know alot of the members and really love the atmosphere and comfort of the guild, when I’m in guild chat and/or mumble I feel free to say whatever I want, because I can relate to most of you guys.

    Well, I hope you liked me introduction, comment anything you have to say, but please, be constructive with your criticism.


    Welcome 🙂


    Good morning and hello, well you are very mature for 13 and I hope we never offend with our “language” and sense of humour. Makk and Artu also enjoy correcting people grammar, so you will fit right in.





    @NoeNoa wrote:

    Good morning and hello, well you are very mature for 13 and I hope we never offend with our “language” and sense of humour. Makk and Artu also enjoy correcting people grammar, so you will fit right in.


    Language? Nah, remember, North London 😀


    @NoeNoa wrote:

    Makk and Artu also enjoy correcting people grammar, so you will fit right in.

    What are these lies you are spouting about me. As if I would ever dare to correct any of our esteemed and well appreciated members, or behave in a less than civilized way, such as high-pitched yelling during an Ops encounter or deep sighs as the boundless-endless uselessness of more or less anyone else than myself in any given PvE encounter!!

    Anyways, what were we talking about??

    Welcome Saiké (that’s what I’m gonna call you now – too difficult that other one!) – as Noe said you seem very mature for a 13 year old. We normally have a 18+ recruiting rule/guideline, which is primarily as we are a filthy bunch, and don’t want to spoil anyones childhood – also, none of us have the temper or patience to deal with teenage-rage kids that unfortunately infests MMOs. That being said, you do seem to fit in very nicely and have contributed very well to the guild already, so if you are happy slogging around with old geezers like us, it’s all fine 🙂

    Look forward to playing more with you.

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