About Us Forums General Discussion New Members Let ma introduce my self (Bonadea)

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  • #1581

    Hello Eternal Dawn !!!
    I was asked to introduce myself today so here it is :
    My name is Mihai , I am 22 years old and I am from Romania .
    I am currently unemployed so I have some time to spend on the ltp.
    I now play some Swtor on Red Eclipse just for Fun , my main caracter is a Jedi Shadow named Bonadea.
    So far I like the guild , the people are realy nice .
    I said when I was invited in guild that I play casual for fun , becouse If I stay more then 4 h in game my eyes turn red ,so No thx .
    I enjoy playing MMO’s I palyed WoW , Aion , I palyed Warframe a few months ; In college I played LoL and a little Dota 2.
    Ok I think that cover’s the gaming area now I little abut my self I am passionate about cooking and knifes(I collect them I also play with them from time to time :D) I like gaming very much but I also Love going out and having fun with friends and/or family.
    I am a social person I enjoy a good chat.
    It’s my pleasure to meet you all this is my facebook page:( https://www.facebook.com/mihai.alexandru.3956) fell free to lock around and add me if u want.
    Sincerely with respect see you online .


    Welcome to the guild and the forums. we are casual and love games so sounds as though you will fit in here well.


    Ah what a great intro, thanks! I feel lucky we met, and happy you responded to our recruitment. My son just earned his executive sous chef degree, but I hope he is not playing with knives! I like to think he gets his passion for cooking from me. I started gaming in 1999 when UO was the biggest MMO around, my son got me into it. That is where I met Makk Jagan and we have been gaming together since.

    We try never to take ourselves too serious here, we love a good laugh. Join us in mumbles!



    Quite partial to a bit of cooking myself, along with Juicing as well 🙂



    Welcome! 😎


    Welcome along!


    Welcome to the community 😀




    Welcome welcome – it seems to be a theme that people here and joining like to make and (I assume) eat food 😉

    If I have the time and good ingredients I like to cook, although I’m probably pretty average at it. I’m a bit of a foodie though, and seeks out new culinary experiences as much as possible – I especially really like to eat out, but for the past couple of years it has happened with less frequency because of the daughter!

    But really good intro, happy to have you in the guild and look forward to playing with you Bonadea (even though these days I unfortunately have a hard time finding the time to be as active as I want to). Hope to see you in mumbles and on Operations 🙂

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