So in the spirit of openness I want to inform you all, with all the small changes I make as I make and explain why. Just so….you know!
I have created a new rank in game, called Alts. It has the exact same benefits and accesses as the Member rank. Now each member should have only one toon that are part of the Member category and anyone else, should be in the alts group. Why go through all this hazzle? One main reason – as a guild leader, I can always see how many hold any certain rank. By each of you only having ONE each in the Member rank, that number correspond to how many individuals we have in the guild, rather than just looking at how many toons. Smart no?
So fyi, we currently have 37 unique accounts in the SWTOR guild, and all of them recently active. I think that is quite well. We have 100+ characters in guild!
Good job, one and all, for making this such a nice and succesful start for something new, exciting and very fun 🙂