Got it! “Eternal Dawn Community”. Does what it says on the tin and doesn’t sound like a typo. 🙂 [Dawn] for the tagline. Sending out invites to peeps on my friend list, if I missed you give me a poke ingame.
Excellent! 🙂 I just signed out for the night but friend me incase I forget, shall get you an invite. Just getting set up at the moment but the more the merrier!
Niceness! I have one 80, and one.. 56/57 (forget where I left my Ele tonight). I see Sim threw you a guild invite so see you ingame soon. 😀 Hopefully get some playtime in tomorrow evening. I’ve got a panda to collect!
Hmm maybe I should try Guildwars 2, perhaps it would end my dry spell might just check out the cost, dont wanna pay alot in case it doesn’t and it ends up sitting there underplayed like others at the mo.