I thought this was a real eye opener to what our food manufacturers are tricking us into AND how doctors just fill us with pills not to cure us but just as a temporary fix.
One guy in this film takes 52 tablets per day and packed 2 suitcases one for cloths the other was his drugs for the month. Watch how many he takes at the end.
This is not a weight loss plan its a complete cleanse of the body from the crap we put in it, for which I am very guilty of as well i.e. Red Wine and the odd takeaway.
Sim – I watched this on my phone and there was a caption box but when i clicked it nothing happened, not sure if my phone, so may be worth looking via the net.
Sim – I watched this on my phone and there was a caption box but when i clicked it nothing happened, not sure if my phone, so may be worth looking via the net.
Well, that is more than I managed, can’t even see the caption box lol … shame as I was looking forward to watching this movie 🙁