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April 22, 2014 at 12:54 #1457
KeymasterDread Master Bestia
Phase One Mechanics:
1. Dread larva
Cast an AoE attack called Expectorate that hits for ~6.5k damage to the raid. These guys should be killed next after the tentacles.
2. Dread Monster
Tanks will need to split these guys apart and also keep them away from Bestia in phase 2.Hardmode:
• Dread Tentacle
Will randomly target someone (announced in red text) and cast (8s) an attack called Spit. If you do not interrupt this Spit attack, the tentacle will one shot whoever it was targeting.
• Dread Monster
These guys have a bit more HP and also buff each other if they get close (they have the “enraged” graphic when this buff is active).Phase Two Mechanics:
1. Combusting Seed.
Red circle placed on a random raid member. This circle moves with you and will explode shortly dealing around 18k damage so move away from the raid when you get it.
2. Dread Pool
Red pool placed under a random raid member. This pool ticks for ~12k damage per tick if you stand or move inside it.Hardmode:
• Stacking debuff on tanks.
Tank should swap generally at 4 stacks. If you have more than 5 stacks of this debuff and Bestia uses her Dread Strike (channeled attack) on you, you will take a ton of damage.
• Dread Monster
Tanks will need to keep them away from Bestia as she buffs any Dread Monsters nearby.Phase Three Mechanics:
Phase 3 is just a combination of phase 1 and phase 2. Bestia will use all of her abilities from phase 2 and summon adds from phase 1
Dread Master Tyrans
Phase One Mechanics:
1. Thundering Blast,
A frontal blast that hits players for 20-25k damage. Turn boss away from raid.
2. Simplification
Two successive circles will be placed on the main tank (tank swap) and one random raid members. This circle gradually get smaller and destroy the tile the player was standing on. The players with the debuff have to move to the outmost tiles.
3. Inferno
A red circle placed on one random raid members right after Simplification. Move out of the circle.
4. Affliction
A green DoT placed on 2 random raid members that has to be cleansed.Hardmode:
• Simplification
Three successive circles will be placed on the main tank (tank swap) and two random raid members.
• Inferno
The debuff will placed on 3-4 random raid members right after Simplification. When this debuff expires a red fire is placed on the player’s location.
• Affliction
A green DoT placed on 2 random raid members, cannot be cleansed and ticks for 5.5k dmg every 3 seconds.Dread Master Calphayus
Phase One Mechanics:
1. Distorted Perceptions
A huge red circle under a random player. The targeted player will receive a ticking DoT that hits for ~3k damage per second and have their movement slow. Make sure the red circle isn’t near any other player, especially those with the Inevitability debuff as it will instantly kill them.Hardmode:
• Inevitability
A massive frontal knockback that applies a debuff that will kill you instantly if you take any damage from Calphayus. This is a tank swapping mechanic as the other tank has to taunt immediately after this cast go off to prevent Calphayus from going after the previous tank. Be sure to turn Calphayus away from rest of raid to prevent them from getting this debuff.Phase Two Mechanics:
At 80%, Calphayus will go immune and open up two portals. The blue one is the portal to the past and the orange one is the portal to the future. The raid will need to split into two, with one team going into the past and the other going into the future.
1. Future
The future team’s room has the boss and Dread Defiler adds that spawn to cast Mass Affliction. Your #1 priority is to kill off the Defiler adds before they can get their cast off (15s cast). You cannot kill off Calphayus in there but if you get him to 20%, he will become immune to damage and stop attacking the group.
2. Past
Go into the back of the room and protect that Seed of Knowledge from waves of adds while holding off the boss. You can heal the Seed of Knowledge if it takes damage. You need to keep the seed alive for 75 seconds, until it finishes the Pure Seed channel.
Once the seed has finished channeling, pick it up and plant it at the Glowing sphere’s location.Hardmode:
• Future
Your goal here is to find the Dark Growth. Once you have located it, relay the location to the Past team. Do not attack it.
• Past
Once the seed has finished channeling, pick it up and plant it at the the location indicated by Future team. If done correctly, you will receive message that the Corruption of Future has ended.Phase Three Mechanics:
Once Phase 2 had ended, players should prepare to get teleported back to the “present”. Calphayrus is still at 80% where you left him and tanks will need to grab him immediately and turn him away. Phase 3 is identical to Phase one.
Phase Four Mechanics:
At 50%, the same two portals open again, same groups enter as previously.
1. Future
Keep damaging Calphayus until he leaps to one of the four fountains and smash one of the crystals. When this happens, you must relay the fountain location and exactly which Focus Crystal has disappeared in that fountain to the Past team. If the Past Team has destroyed the correct crystal, then Calphayrus will be knocked down and be vulnerable to damage again. There is a time limit of 30s to destroy the correct crystal. You will need to do this two more times before this phase completes.
2. Past
Your job is to locate and destroy the highlighted crystal. Calphayus will harass your team inside the past room but if you damage him down to 20% he will go immune and stop attacking you. You will need to do this three times.Hardmode:
At 50%, the same two portals open again but this time you must pick a different portal from last time.
• Future
When Calphayus leaps to one of the four fountains and smash one of the crystals, you must relay the fountain location and exactly which Focus Crystal has disappeared in that fountain to the Past team.
• Past
Your job is to locate the crystal indicated by the Future team and destroy that specific crystal.Phase Five Mechanics:
Once Phase 4 had ended, players should prepare to get teleported back to the “present”. Calphayrus is at 50% and tanks will need to grab him immediately and turn him away. Phase 5 is identical to Phase one.
Phase Six Mechanics:
Like the previous times, two portals open again but this time instead of splitting your raid into two, have a healer/tank go into the Past portal (blue) and rest of the raid head into the Future portal (future). You can also have a DPS going into the past portal instead of a tank if your DPS is good.
1. Past
The tank/DPS will find a Seed of Knowledge pyramid object at back of the Past room behind the throne. They will need to carry it back to the entrance and exit the portal. They will continue to take damage while carrying this Seed of Knowledge and their movement speed will be slowed. Do not use any stun breaker or anything that enhance your movement speed as doing so will cause the Seed to disappear.
Once the Seed carrier has exited the portal, they will need to deposit it on the altar on one side of the throne. This will place a yellow circle on the same location inside the Future room. Make sure to tell rest of your raid where you placed the Seed of Knowledge.2. Future
Tanks need to make sure to taunt him even when he is immune as he might bug out and reset otherwise.
Calphayus cannot be damaged until the Seed carrier has placed the Seed on the altar. He will be able to attack you so you will need to heal the tanks. Once the Seed has being placed, a yellow circle will appear in the same side of the throne that the Seed was placed. Drag Calphayus into this yellow circle while staying out of it yourself and the yellow circle will knock Calphayus down, allowing you to damage to him for around 10 seconds.Hardmode:
There are only two seeds in the Past portal room but the same person cannot carry the second seed again. Need someone new to carry it for the second time.Dread Master Raptus
Phase One Mechanics:
1. Deadly Slash
A 2.0s cast cleave attack followed with a knockback. Sometimes this ability can bug out and he doesn’t actually do the knockback even if the conal graphic appears on screen. Make sure he is turned away from the raid and run through him to avoid the knockback.
2. Rising Slash
This attack will knock the current tank way up into the air and forces a tank swap. Make sure the tanks are not tanking the boss by the edge of the platform as they could potentially fall off the platform and die.
3. Force Execution
This attack doesn’t happen often but it is basically a huge beam attack Anyone caught in the beam takes damage. This ability has a 3.0s cast so tanks should have enough time to get out.
4. Swirling Circle
Whoever get this swirling circle will need to move away from the raid. This circle will teleport everyone in it to the back of the platform onto a bridge. This bridge is filled with gaps but it is fairly easy to navigate. Players who get teleported will need to run back to the fight.Hardmode:
• Force Execution
In addition to the huge beam a circle will appear, centered on Raptus. Anyone caught inside the circle when it turns red will die instantly.Phase Two Mechanics:
At 75% shortly after everyone have grabbed their curses, Raptus will directly challenge a player and then open up three of the six portals on the edges of the circular platform. The player being directly challenged need to kite Raptus around while he performs the Spinning Attack (one shot if you let him hit you with it). While Spinning Attack is active Raptus is immune to all damage so the player being challenged should just kite him and survive. Rest of the players should enter their appropriate portals.
1. Green (healers)
Need to keep a Dying captive alive while a DoT is ticking his HP away.
2. Purple (tanks)
Survive pulsating AoE damage from a single mob.
3. Orange (DPS)
Kill a single mob – interrupt Health of the Void when the mob casts it at 25%.Phase Three Mechanics:
Same as Phase one
Phase Four Mechanics:
Same as Phase Two
Phase Five Mechanics:
Same as Phase one
Dread Council
Phase One Mechanics:
1. Assignement
• Bestia – Tanks will need to be on her and tank swap whenever they get 3-4 stacks of her debuff.
• Calphayus – Offtank will need to be on him when they swapped from Bestia, a melee DPS should be chasing him around
• Raptus – a high mobility rDPS should be kiting him (i.e. DoT spec’ed class is the best).
• Tyrans – Doesn’t need to be tanked or kited.2. Abilities:
A. Bestia
• Force Push attack that will throw you across the room – stand in the very middle of the room or face yourself such that you will get pushed to the middle of the room.
• Places a stacking debuff on the tanks that requires tank swap as it allows Bestia to deal more damage and potentially one shot the tanks at high stacks. We tend to tank swap at 3-4 stacks or after 2 Force Push.
• Corruption aura around her that buff any other Dread Master standing next to her (increases their damage done and reduces their damage taken.B. Calphayus
• Has a shield around himself that reflects all damage coming outside the shield. Melee DPS is the best candidate for this
• Regularly drops orange circles on the ground. Any player standing in it will have their healing received reduced and any Dread Master standing in it will take reduced damage.C. Raptus
• Deadly Slash attack with frontal knockback (purple telegraph on the ground). Either run out of it or run into him to avoid the knockback.
• Also has a Whirlwind attack where he will spin and chase a player. Stay outside the red circle or you will take massive damage.D. Tyrans
• Periodically cast out a Death Marks on the raid. If the Death Mark is allowed to expire on the player, it will instantly one shot them. Anyone with a cleanse can remove them, including agent/smuggler’s Evasion skill.
• Also casts Thundering Blast, a blast that will hit anyone in the path of the blast. Hits for ~10k damage as long he doesn’t get buffed by Bestia.
• Pulls random players to him, this is more of an annoying for people kiting Calphayus or tanking Bestia as the pull can screw up their pathing.Hardmode:
• Timer
Phase 1 will end when all four Dread Masters get to 50% HP within 40s of each other, When the first one reaches 50%, that Dread Master will return to his/her throne and start channeling Siphon Energy. It is a 40s channel and at end of the channel they heal up. What this means is that you need to push every Dread Master to ~55% and then together as a raid, starting pushing them one at a time to 50%. Once the first one returns to the throne, you have <40s to push the other 3 to 50%
• Death Marks
Tyrans will cast 4 Death Marks. Each Dark Mark has a different icon and different duration.Phase Two Mechanics:
In phase 2, the ghost form of Styrak and Brontes will return. One player will need to head to Brontes’s throne, go through the portal, and interact with the crystal on top of her throne to remove her Supremacy buff, which will make her immune to damage otherwise when she gets low. One of the tanks will need to go and do the same for Styrak. Styrak is taunt immune but getting this crystal the the subsequent buff seems to make him sticking on the tank with the buff.
You want to drag Styrak and Brontes together so DPS can AoE both them of at the same time. There is a timer for getting this phase as each of the 4 other Dread Masters have a buff called Weakened. When this buff expires, they will jump down and enter the fight. If this happens and Brontes and/or Styrak still remains alive then you are going to have a very bad time.Phase Three Mechanics:
Phase 3 is much like Phase 1 except there is no tank swapping on Bestia since she doesn’t put the stacking debuff on tanks anymore. Two DPS should head to Tyrans and Raptus’s throne and grab their crystals. The buff they receive seem to allow the the specific bosses to stick on them. Tanks should grab the crystals from Bestia and Calphayus to prevent their abilities from autocrit, dealing more damage than necessary.
You want to bring Bestia to ~20-25% and then get everyone else except for Calphayrus to around the same % (Calphayrus should remain above 30%). Then push one of the Dread Masters to 15% and this will trigger phase 4.Phase Four Mechanics:
Phase 4 is soft enrage phase where all four Dread Masters will gather around the holocron and do perioidic damage that increases with time as their buff stacks get higher. Every Dread Master should be fairly low in HP except for Calphayrus which you should kill last. Focus your DPS on one Dread Master at a time.
For healers, if the healing becomes a bit hard to keep up, focus on keeping the DPS alive as the tanks are not tanking anything in this phase. -
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