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  • #1564

    1. What game you are applying for and what is your main character’s name?
    – Rift – Farfy -> Deepwood

    2. Please tell us how you came to apply for Eternal-Dawn.
    – I found your post on the forums and was intrigued.

    3. It’s always interesting to know previous game experiences.
    – I started MMO’s late by getting into WOW at the end of Burning Crusade. I have been a healer since the beginning playing every possible healing class in raids.
    – The raiding group in WOW has always been a normal mode guild with the only progression push to get a raid completed before the next tier comes out.
    – I have also tried SWTOR, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2 and Final Fantasy XXIV.
    – I have owned and leveled characters in Rift since beta but never got into raiding or any real organized play.
    – I have all 4 classes at 60 but I’ll be honest and say I don’t play any of them at the top of their ability

    4. Delight the community with a brief introduction of yourself.
    – My name is Chris, I’m 45 and the father of an adorable 9 week old baby boy. A word of advice to the young ones out there. Do not wait until you are 45 to have your first kid. I am a software developer for a money transfer firm and I live in Minnesota, USA. As stated above I have always been a healer in all the games I play. I tried Cleric healing in random groups and while I was passable it never really clicked for me. Bard healing was odd and don’t be started on Mage healing. When the new souls were released I was excited to try them out and so far I have really liked Physician healing. Although I need to get on my Warrior and try Liberator as well. Right now with the baby I have a very erratic schedule but I wanted to get back to getting together with people and having a good time. I am very laid back and do not get stressed over gear or achievements. I play games to meet people and have fun.

    5. Can you confirm you are over the age of 18 please?
    – I remember the 60’s. OK only 9 months of them but I was alive for the Moon landing! It does not matter that I was in my crib at the time.


    Hello and thank you for your application. We are based on Gelidra server, whenever you are ready give us a shout and we will get you in with us. Welcome 🙂

    PS. Are you a dwarf? Your character i mean, not irl 😀


    No not a dwarf. But I have characters all around and I do have a 60 dwarf warrior. He should be on Faeblight and be called Farfi. But then there is a strong possibility that I am delusional. At least that what my wife keeps telling me.


    Ah, are you on Deepwood Shard, cause if so I don’t think it’s possible to transfer to the EU shards unfortunately.


    Welcome to the forum but eeek…

    @Spate wrote:

    Ah, are you on Deepwood Shard, cause if so I don’t think it’s possible to transfer to the EU shards unfortunately.

    Maybe ask Trion nicely. We do run stuff on GMT times so not sure on your play times.


    If not its pretty fast to get to 50 when you have a little experience from the past 50-60 takes a wile depening on your gametime/week.




    Yeah, we have plenty of levellers, would be very welcome to pop a character in the guild. But see about talking to Trion, you never know. 🙂

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