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  • #1583

    1. What game you are applying for and what is your main character’s name?
    Rift, Elrhiza.

    2. Please tell us how you came to apply for Eternal-Dawn.
    I looked through the rift forum and went over several EU guilds.

    3. It’s always interesting to know previous game experiences.
    I played WoW from the start of Wrath up till a month in to Cata and did progression raiding. Also played a lot of Guild Wars from release up till GW2, and GW2 from release up till fractals turned up. I’ve bounced around several other MMO’s, and did more progression in SWTOR for a while.

    4. Delight the community with a brief introduction of yourself.

    I’m very much a gamer, whether tabletop skirmish wargames (like Infinity, Mordheim, Necromunda, Malifaux etc), tabletop rpg’s (usually indies such as Lacuna, Don’t Rest Your Head, Unknown Armies etc) or computer games with my preferred types being MMO’s, rpg’s or monster hunters. Married to a lovely lady who is also a gamer and likes the same genres as me, so that works out really well. We started wow together and where I tanked, she healed. Also should it be important, I’m male, average height, dark hair and eyes, caucasian, based in England.

    5. Can you confirm you are over the age of 18 please?
    Currently 25.


    Welcome and thank you for App.

    You sound great.

    We got a Hunt Rift event tomo, not sure of your level but it’s 48+

    Someone will look out for you in game when your are online 🙂

    Look forward to meeting you.


    Alas, still only level 41, but I’ll be on Elrhiza momentarily. Just on a lower level male toon to preview wardrobe differences.


    Welcome 🙂

    Nobody who can invite is online right now, however, plenty of them will be online tomorrow at some point, definitely in the evening for the hunt rift 🙂


    Aha, cheers for the heads up!


    @Geckilian wrote:

    Aha, cheers for the heads up!

    No problem 🙂


    welcome to the guild and the forums. hope to see you in game soon.


    My husband and I game together, and it does make life easier if you are gamer and married to somebody who “gets it”. Welcome to the community from SWToR side as well.




    Welcome among us, will be looking forward to knowing you, and I hope Mrs too 😀

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