1. What game you are applying for and what is your main character’s name?
Star Wars : The Old Republic
Main : Gelmez
Alt : Geldir (Currently most active)
Alt : Gelmir
2. Please tell us how you came to apply for Eternal-Dawn.
Searching on the Server forums and looking at Guild web pages, I would like to join a guild to get a better experience from the game.
3. It’s always interesting to know previous game experiences.
Still currently playing Lord of the Rings Online, have played Elder Scrolls Beta but did not take to it. Played Star Wars Galaxies, World of Warcraft, Warhammer Online.
4. Delight the community with a brief introduction of yourself.
Real name is Neil, I have played MMOs for a long time starting back in the age on Ultima Online and have been fixed ever since. I work the usual 9-5 job in IT, making people turn things Off and On. I fix more things than I break. I feel I am getting old as I have recently taken to gardening as a hobby but any chance of rain and im indoors on the computer.
5. Can you confirm you are over the age of 18 please?
Good application – think I saw you ingame already (sorry, was on an Op, so not 100% focus on who was loggin in etc 🙂 ).
Happy to have you here, you really sound like a nice fit. Whereabouts are you from if I may ask? And remember to introduce yourself a wee bit in the New Members bit of the forums (viewforum.php?f=33).
So glad to have a new member – especially as its slow summer months! Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday are our big ops nights so looking forward meeting you ingame