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    Been meaning to post this since we were talking about it last week.

    Progress in Experts is progressing well and our Hit/Tough is forever increasing.

    I would like to in the next couple of weeks start looking into the SL T1 stuff on offer.

    We have more than enough members to arrange 10 mans, this will attract new members as well when I post on Official Forum that we have started them, which hopefully will get us into having a nose into the 20 mans.

    All we need to do is get our Hit up to and exceeding 400. Tanks need to do the same but with the addition of Toughness, which I think is also 400 [correct me if wrong plz]

    My Hit sits currently at 398 weirdly, just shy lol, I will look at what i need to sort that out, possibly some Ring upgrades, worst case is a i can Rune up but its better if you can get the gear obviously as it has the other stat increases and resists, required for these nasty places 😈

    Really looking forward to this as this will be a huge step in Eternal Dawns progress adventure.

    Experts will become standard grab peeps and run with them to gather up Tokens and by doing T1’s we can do the weeklies thus increasing our Tokens for better loots 😉

    If I have missed anything please post below.



    400 toughness 420 hit is hardcap but 400 will do to start with 🙂


    Just shout when you want me


    Aye – scarily my hit is in the 420s 😮 😈


    Going to have a weekly push on these now Dawners.

    I want your game faces on and your Hit up, that includes slacky me 😀

    Can Members in game put the word out there is a Sign up for Friday which is a bit short notice but I have been a bit busy 🙂


    You have to pursue the hit/toughness caps people. Run experts and whatever else you want. People are keen, just ask in guild.


    Hey guys, I have just hit 50 and started getting my +hit and +toughness gear, however… is it worth it to farm gear at my level or should I just focus on levelling to 60 and then try to get the gear?

    I’m eager to join and even though I’m still 10 levels behind, I want to make the most out of my playing time to be ready for action asap.


    @Rhothakx wrote:

    Hey guys, I have just hit 50 and started getting my +hit and +toughness gear, however… is it worth it to farm gear at my level or should I just focus on levelling to 60 and then try to get the gear?

    I’m eager to join and even though I’m still 10 levels behind, I want to make the most out of my playing time to be ready for action asap.

    I would suggest to get to 60 as the gear changes a lot from 50 to 60.

    When you ding 60 we can run you through normals until you Hit/Tough is enough for Experts 😀


    Has to be lvl 60 to enter in T1 Raids same as in SL Dungeons.
    Once you become lvl 60, you can run SL Dungs with us and gather some gear from them. 😀


    All right, thanks guys. I guess I’ll quest, chronicle and adventure my way up to 60, with the occasional dungeon to keep in good shape 😀

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