About Us Forums RIFT RIFT Events Tuesday 20 May – Hunt Rifts

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    I cannot get on until about 8pm but if the +2 hours want to start earlier feel free to start and the later loggers will join as and when.

    I hope to see some of our newer members come along as well.

    The sequence we use to do was level 48+ we run Normal Hunts, then we venture off to 55+ to do the Greater Hunts.



    Will be around at some point 🙂


    What time do these events usually take place? I am still too low level for them but I am expecting to hit 50 next week so I can join you… are you organizing lvl 50 events as well (I’d assume so since you mentioned 48+ rifts)?

    Tuesday might be too early, though you never know… maybe I can sink a few hours tomorrow and reach 48.


    @Rhothakx wrote:

    What time do these events usually take place? I am still too low level for them but I am expecting to hit 50 next week so I can join you… are you organizing lvl 50 events as well (I’d assume so since you mentioned 48+ rifts)?

    Tuesday might be too early, though you never know… maybe I can sink a few hours tomorrow and reach 48.

    No rush we repeat this each week as it’s for Rep to get Epic Cape.

    While we are growing we just see who is on run some normal dungeons for levellers. If numbers are good we dive into old content Slivers which were level 50 so we group up and mentor down, that way you guys get the chance to come.

    We have 16/17 man’d Greenscale [first 20 man Raid] and would be great to go back for more Achievements.

    Our plan going forward and is a separate thread is to start 10 man SL Slivers. This is a couple of weeks away I think 🙂


    I’ll try to be there!


    I can join in the beginning, I’m so behind… I’ll go and buy lures for some of the ones I still miss (and there are six of them in Great Hunt Rank I…) 😛


    I dunno what lures to buy??


    The usual lateness from me.


    May be around, may be with the other half. Depends. Wednesday would be better for me but hey ho. 😀


    @Xannziee wrote:

    I dunno what lures to buy??

    I assume you are brining the Cleric Xan and in that case she has probably not done any of the normals.

    However, if you look in your Achievements – Planes>Hunt Rifts you should see this;


    They are the Lures you need form the Torven traders in the room with the World Trader. We can pick some up for you as well. This is the most amount of Hunts in any one achievement 18 – so it does take some time doing them but over the weeks we shall, just always check to see which Lures you need next.

    Then its Great Hunts Ranks I to V starting with this;


    You wont be able to buy any of these until the above one is complete, but ALWAYS look out for normals on your travels through SL as you level. You do not have to be in a group to do them but can join publics and they are quite straight forward with the similair mechanics which is keep the core active in the middle and always kills the Mobs doing the big 28Sec cast otherwise its a fail 🙂


    Thank u Mal! I will try to buy the lures when im back at the desktop xxx


    Bought a bunch as well.

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