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    Im tempted, can you guys sell it to me a little?

    screenshots explanations of awesomeness and peer pressure all accepted


    Busy laying a floor but will give you a synopsis later.

    Pretty much as any other Theme Park with a couple on big differences.


    I forgot last night so here it goes.

    Rift is a typical Fantasy MMO. You may of heard it’s a WoW clone, it kind of is but to me it’s more of an EQ2/WoW clone. To add a positive to that it’s taken the good stuff and dumped it into 1 game.

    It has your theme park hub to hub zone to zone questing.
    Leveling Dungeons
    Story quests, with nice gear to survive.
    Leveling PvP
    Artifacts – shinies on the floor that you collect and get rewards, if you are a collector this will send you nuts.
    Achievements – this is huge from anything from jumping off a cliff/bridge, daft stuff like dancing with squirrels, first PvP kill, dungeon cleared, rifts closed or raid bosses killed. There is thousands and always popping up in guild chat for a wee gratz.

    So all fairly standard so far but what sets it out as being different is the dynamic world feel. Rifts are formed from tears and when opened into a Rift it could be from any of the planes [Death, Water, Earth, Air, Fire, Life]. Rifts can be solo’d, grouped or Raided depending on what pops. These can just happen, of with powers given in game you can open them.

    What makes it feel dynamic is they are random and can open anywhere, or it seems like that there are so many. That’s basic Rifts.

    Every zone has a list of Events from a minor one to a major one these happen randomly around the World. These events are when the Planes start to invade and it’s up to you to end them, not all get ended which leaves some mobs at quest hubs, early Rift you had to clear but these days they eventually despawn. Some of these Events are pretty good, with nice rewards and a planar currency, were you buy planar items.

    Now to level is a piece of piss and an enjoyable journey but these days Rift opens up at endgame.

    Expert Dungeons – tough, tough places until you get geared.
    10 man Slivers – basically a raid but you enter a sliver which takes you to a parallel version of the zone your in [not the full zone but an area]
    20 man Raid – epic battles, crazy mechanics.
    Level 60 events – Trion added quite a few of these for end gamers. Google ‘Volan’ which is one of the best I’ve ever seen, some screenies in screenshot section.
    PvP – standard and Conquest. The latter being you Q get put into 1 of 3 factions and battle it out in a full Zone. Been a while since I did one but it does have ups and downs but can be good fun with rewards.
    Dailies – Bleh. Lol. Factions etc but nice stuff at the end.

    Dimensions – not end game but a very complex player housing, I darnt touch this as I will get hooked and won’t have time to do dungeons.
    Crafting – standard WoW method but when maxed some nice stuff that helps you and Guild.

    It’s well worth trying, and the team will make you feel at home.

    I’ve probay missed stuff but you get the idea. It has to be played and experienced though.

    Note: any of us can join you as we can Mentour down to your level. I think every MMO should add this for building Guilds.


    EQ2 had an excellent mentoring system, which means nobody has to level alone. More games should adopt this, it is good community building.


    I feel its close to WoW, but with more stuff to do in the world while ur lvling. You got more proffesions, you can fish up some artifacts and things. There is rifts all over you can close, (fight mobs to close rifts and get some tokens) and there are some other events I cant remember that happens from time to time and you need to protect hubs and kill off a Baddie at the end, feels like an outdoor raidboss, happens in all the zones afaik.

    Alot of the quests get “picked up” by hitting them instead of going to pick up a quest and deliver.

    You got the housing wich can be pretty fun 😀 Aslong as u ignore the first house you get as its like an outhouse.

    You can start dungeons at lvl 15 🙂 Pvp at 10 ( battelgrounds )

    Ill give u some links from my blog with screenshots in em so you can get to see how it looks in action 🙂

    The Old WWOLF guild tavern, all the funiture and stuff is set up by members, and some of the outdoor stuff is buildt – like the stage 🙂 You can build an entire house afaik

    Here is a typical event night, when we’re doing 5mans to help ppl level

    Rifthunt screenshots

    One of our shorter raidnights.


    Ok, i didnt want to show the actuall blog IN this post…. How do I fix it except for just hiding it when clicking on arrow?

    Edit well its gone now but, now u cant click the link either haha 😀


    downloading it now 🙂


    Nice one and have fun.

    Shout in Shoutbox when on and someone will invite ya. Give toon name if not Scrat.



    @Scrat wrote:

    downloading it now 🙂


    @Scrat wrote:

    downloading it now 🙂

    Yay! The biggest benefit to playing Rift is the excellent community within this guild – which is precisely why I plan to try out SWtOR at some point. 🙂


    @Jaedia wrote:

    Yay! The biggest benefit to playing Rift is the excellent community within this guild – which is precisely why I plan to try out SWtOR at some point. 🙂

    I kept saying I want to give SW:TOR a go too… one day!! 😈


    Ive downloaded but I probably wont start playing until i finished my exams and am back home.

    If you join swtor it would be amazing, Ill definately look after you as will the other regulars!!

    also it would be nice to have more peeps in mumble 😛 usually just me bad and bob unless there is an op on, oh and noe ofc


    @Scrat wrote:

    Ive downloaded but I probably wont start playing until i finished my exams and am back home.

    If you join swtor it would be amazing, Ill definately look after you as will the other regulars!!

    also it would be nice to have more peeps in mumble 😛 usually just me bad and bob unless there is an op on, oh and noe ofc

    Jae or me?

    Won’t be on mumble when there either way 🙂


    @Simcha wrote:

    @Scrat wrote:

    Ive downloaded but I probably wont start playing until i finished my exams and am back home.

    If you join swtor it would be amazing, Ill definately look after you as will the other regulars!!

    also it would be nice to have more peeps in mumble 😛 usually just me bad and bob unless there is an op on, oh and noe ofc

    Jae or me?

    Won’t be on mumble when there either way 🙂

    I’m happy to go on Mumble on occasion but I like to relax and keep Simmy company too so not always on it. 🙂

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