I am looking for active members who want to be more involved with the running and building of the Guild.
Whether it is organising and encouraging members to take part in Conquest or helping to recruit new players
and looking after them once they have joined.
Officer status is not for everybody, it does take a certain amount of commitment and definitely takes up
some of your personal game time, but the rewards are great feeling part of a big family and being more
I seem to have a great track record in taking on Officers, once they become one I never see them again ๐
This is NOT a punishment (honest) ๐
I do need some help with events, conquest, raids, recruitment etc, all the things that make a Guild a
great place to be.
If you think you would like to find out more or just want to chat about what you can do for the Guild
then please contact me in game.
Badass (aka The Good Looking Awesome Gunslinger) ๐
Events Calendar
We now have an Events Calendar for you to use ๐
To access, select the Raid Planner and sign in for Mush Raider, you will then be authorised and you will be able to see all the events on the Calendar.
To apply for an event, first create a character then you select the event and enter the character you wish to take.
Please note that all Event requests will need to be validated by the Raid Leader, so keep checking to make sure you have been selected.
If the role for the event is full, then please still let us know so that we can enter you as a reserve in case a member cannot make the event.
Only sign up for events you know you can make, and if you cannot come, please take your character out of the event.
Letโs have some fun and go kill things ๐
Mumbles is our voice communications and is free and easy to install
Mumbles is not only for operations (although it is essential for tactics) or for groups, it is for general chat over several games.
We often chat and laugh whilst playing other games, to keep in touch, have fun and to give general assistance when needed.
If you are worried about talking, or never been on a voice coms before then please donโt worry, you can just listen to the madness
of the rest of us until you feel comfortable.
We are a friendly bunch on mumbles so donโt be shy come and join us and add another dimension to your gaming pleasure.