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May 5, 2014 at 08:53 #1435
InactiveDidnt know wich section to put this at but ey.
So I know there are alot of dogowners here and maybe you know abit about teeny boy dogs.
Nemo has not been wanting his food the last 3-4 days, Just shuving his boal around the house, kinda comical. He is interested in all other kinds of foods like sandwiches, pork etc, not that he is getting any, but he does not seem like his own food. He is not in bad shape in any other ways. He plays, and walks and sniffs and whatever normal stuff he does.He is 19-20months, and im suspecting hes becomming quite hormonal, sitting in his cage, licking certain places……… 😯 He does not even like his cage, now hes in there for regular visits.
Maybe the female dogworld is having theire time of the year.
You think this is the reason he doesnt wanna eat his food? I mean dogs tend to eat / like the same food throughout theire life Ive heard, and it is raw food, chicken wich he used to love.From a semiworried mum.
May 5, 2014 at 09:56 #2067edadmin
KeymasterSounds like he is turning into a man.
I have a female so not 100% sure though, and not eating seems strange though.
Try elevating his food bowl as some dogs as the get bigger don’t like a bowl too low when the eat as it’s a bit like eating upside down.
But probably is what you say in that Nemo is not mummy’s baby anymore lol.
May 5, 2014 at 10:00 #2068Anonymous
Inactive@Malbec wrote:
Sounds like he is turning into a man.
I have a female so not 100% sure though, and not eating seems strange though.
Try elevating his food bowl as some dogs as the get bigger don’t like a bowl too low when the eat as it’s a bit like eating upside down.
But probably is what you say in that Nemo is not mummy’s baby anymore lol.
He will ALLWAYS be my baby, he does not have any other choice!! lol
He just runs away from the bowl now lol. Im just gonna remove it and give him 2 chances aday to eat it. If that dont work I will put it up a bit higher or something.
May 5, 2014 at 10:18 #2069Anonymous
InactiveTried using different bowl or location? Boy can be fussy about where he eats lol as unexpected noise can bother him.
Other than that, as long as he is eating ok otherwise, don’t think it is anything to worry about 🙂
I have no experience in this area as I’ve always adopted mature dogs who had already been spayed / neutered 🙂
May 5, 2014 at 10:25 #2070Anonymous
Inactive@Simcha wrote:
Tried using different bowl or location? Boy can be fussy about where he eats lol as unexpected noise can bother him.
Other than that, as long as he is eating ok otherwise, don’t think it is anything to worry about 🙂
I have no experience in this area as I’ve always adopted mature dogs who had already been spayed / neutered 🙂
That bowl has been all over the house now lol. He is a bit fuzzy about his lips/mouth getting food on em but thats impossible to do anything about. We have tried 2 different dog bowls, a few flag normal plates and the floor 😛 He isnt eating anything else cause im not giving him anything else. I dont want him spoiled and never returning to his food, alltho eating raw chicken nothing should be better then that. He rather have a sandwich with leverpatee atm wich i refuse to give him. Eat the food ur given or no food is my policy.
May 5, 2014 at 10:29 #2071Anonymous
InactiveThen it is going to be a contest of will I guess 😀 if he is still not eating, then I suggest the dreaded vet 😈
May 5, 2014 at 10:37 #2072Anonymous
Inactive@Simcha wrote:
Then it is going to be a contest of will I guess 😀 if he is still not eating, then I suggest the dreaded vet 😈
Hehe i bet ill loose, he got this face with those wrinkles, so u just feel sorry for him. dammit!
May 5, 2014 at 10:51 #2073Anonymous
Inactive@Missy wrote:
@Simcha wrote:
Then it is going to be a contest of will I guess 😀 if he is still not eating, then I suggest the dreaded vet 😈
Hehe i bet ill loose, he got this face with those wrinkles, so u just feel sorry for him. dammit!
aaaaw! My dog can pull the sad big eyes on me when he want something… Can’t help but melt!
May 5, 2014 at 14:13 #2074edadmin
KeymasterProbably a hormonal issue Missy. My two male dogs stop eating their food and lose a lot of weight when my female is in her days. He probably understand there’s a female somewhere waiting for him so eating is not his priority. He wants to have a romp.
@Malbec wrote:
Try elevating his food bowl as some dogs as the get bigger don’t like a bowl too low when they eat
May 5, 2014 at 15:31 #2075Anonymous
InactiveDavhek wrote:Probably a hormonal issue Missy. My two male dogs stop eating their food and lose a lot of weight when my female is in her days. He probably understand there’s a female somewhere waiting for him so eating is not his priority. He wants to have a romp.lol romp! Well I guess my suspision is right then. He was acting a bit wierd on a walk today, not sniffing pee but started to lick at the spot too. Damn hormones!! I don’t want a baby with his peepee out all the time!! Thats what I get for wanting a maledog I guess 😛
May 5, 2014 at 16:16 #2076edadmin
KeymasterYes when the males want to mate they dont just smell the females pee but they want to taste it as well, yum !
May 5, 2014 at 20:38 #2077Anonymous
Inactive@Davhek wrote:
Yes when the males want to mate they dont just smell the females pee but they want to taste it as well, yum !
May 8, 2014 at 11:26 #2078Anonymous
I used to be dog man in my local pet store and SO many people go through this stage. Before I say anything about its probably not an issue, but I have a few questions.
DO you feed him kibble? I know you feed him chicken but is that with kibble or with other foods? and this leads on to A) what brand of kibble or B) what other things?
As he is getting older and more active he might for example like a little more red meat in his system, lets see what you come back with.
AS of now how often a day does he eat? is the bowl out all day or do you have set meal times? Also do you handle his food before you give it to him, or do you try to avoid it by using tools like scoops, knives tongs etc?
What kind of dog is he and what size? How much food do you feed him (per day, per sitting, however you want to quantify it but preferably in weight) and how much exercise does he get? also slightly weird one but revealing, does he smell? (in his coat or his flatulence)
Like i say its really nothing to worry about all dogs go through this stage, some grow out of it others don’t, it could well just be that he will stop growing so much now and doesn’t need so much food and energy. There is a small chance he is missing something in his diet, but from your caring messages I’m sure you have already checked that he does, either way im happy to double check.
It may also be that he is getting enough food and nutrients from what he does eat and has found his own balance. Dogs are good with this, no matter how much we train them at the end of the day they are still dogs and generally act on impulses like hunger, no hunger no food. Two things you can do there, A) reduce his food, B)increase his exercise. If he is losing weight you could try adding a little something to his food.
Im exppecting a proper essay back and Im looking forward to it! more info the better
May 8, 2014 at 11:56 #2079Anonymous
Inactive@Scrat wrote:
I used to be dog man in my local pet store and SO many people go through this stage. Before I say anything about its probably not an issue, but I have a few questions.
DO you feed him kibble? I know you feed him chicken but is that with kibble or with other foods? and this leads on to A) what brand of kibble or B) what other things?
As he is getting older and more active he might for example like a little more red meat in his system, lets see what you come back with.
AS of now how often a day does he eat? is the bowl out all day or do you have set meal times? Also do you handle his food before you give it to him, or do you try to avoid it by using tools like scoops, knives tongs etc?
What kind of dog is he and what size? How much food do you feed him (per day, per sitting, however you want to quantify it but preferably in weight) and how much exercise does he get? also slightly weird one but revealing, does he smell? (in his coat or his flatulence)
Like i say its really nothing to worry about all dogs go through this stage, some grow out of it others don’t, it could well just be that he will stop growing so much now and doesn’t need so much food and energy. There is a small chance he is missing something in his diet, but from your caring messages I’m sure you have already checked that he does, either way im happy to double check.
It may also be that he is getting enough food and nutrients from what he does eat and has found his own balance. Dogs are good with this, no matter how much we train them at the end of the day they are still dogs and generally act on impulses like hunger, no hunger no food. Two things you can do there, A) reduce his food, B)increase his exercise. If he is losing weight you could try adding a little something to his food.
Im exppecting a proper essay back and Im looking forward to it! more info the better
Hmm I dont know what kibble is 🙂 he isnt getting any dry food. we had that before we started the beef and chicken, but he just shoved the bowl around and hardly ate so we changed. and it worked great a couple of months untill now.
Like a month back or so he had some allergic reactions to red meat that we were giving him, thats why we changed to chicken 🙂 He got bumps in his face etc swell up. So I think hes allergic to that 😛
As of now he has eaten 2 or 3 times since last week. We have left the food out a bit. But now im offreing him food and if he doesnt eat it by a few minutes, im removing it. and see if that works.
He is a mix of shar-pei and labrador, weighs around 24-25kgs.
The “sausage” is 500g, half for breakfast, half for dinner. Its in this plastic and i just squise the food out into his bowl, dont fiddle with it. But he has now started to walk away from the bowl when he see me getting it, hes totally avoiding the bowl now. When he fancy some food he just shuvs the bowl around, then doesnt eat and walks away.He smells nice, allmost like a puppy 😛 no strange or new smell to him. Hes coat is better then ever since we started with vitaminoil and chicken. Hes poo has been a bit hard since we started on chicken, and he does not poo alot per toilettime probably cause he absorbs most of the food compared to dry food, where he poos a ton! i mean a TON;) He has had diarea a few times the last few days, i guess cause he hasnt been eating so hes tummy is starting to empty abit. Im suprised he is still pooing since hes hardly eaten.
We have tried adding alot of things to his food, but he doesnt wanna eat from that bowl anymore. I put his food on the floor the other day and he ate it in 2 seconds. I tried it again yesterday and he was trying to shuv the floor lol, like he does with his bowl.
He gets 3-5 walks aday usually around 15-30 minutes each. If its bad weather he usually gets 3 walks, with one trip to the garden to pee if he needs to. once or twice a week we vist the neighbour and he and this retriver plays for an hour or two.
He has been acting up a bit these past few days, not so much towards me. more to my bf. like dont wanna listen, more playful and wild, nibbling on his hands and shirt etc.
May 8, 2014 at 13:16 #2080Anonymous
Inactivethat all seems prety sensible to me and nice mix by the way!
what is he eating in the way of fibre? are you giving any maize or starches with his meats? A few things I would recommend for the amount of exercise etc he is doing are: to keep offering him 2 sittings a day, for chicken keep the portions to maybe a breast and a handful of whatever else, (i used to feed mine on the meat of the day, a handful of maize and then a little bit of kibble.)
Kibble is the dried food you may get, in this country it would be IAMs or Burns, maybe james wellbeloved. Not sure what brands you have there, but If you remind me which country you are in I am sure I could look it up, a lot are international. The good thing about these kibbles is that they have already worked out the balance for each type of dog, as in in each individual kibble there will be protein, fibre, sugars, fats balanced for the type of dog on the front of the pack. When you feed them yourself (which I am personally a fan of to be honest) it is more difficult to get the balance right.
Don’t run out and get cheap kibble btw, Im sure you dont need telling. Its just full of additives and your dog will eat it, but its not particularly good for him.
Runny or stiff poos sound like fibre imbalances, ofc Im not a vet and I could be wrong so don’t take me as gospel. Try and put less meat more fibre in his meals, if when he does eat he only picks out certain bits, i.e. the meat or veg or whatever, it may be a good idea to move to kibble, if he doesn’t want to eat it, stick some gravy or stock on it. I would hope he will eat it maybe not at first unless it smells really good, but either when he is hungry or after a long walk or something, but still only offer him meals at certain times in the day. Dont let him think that he can eat whenever he wants coz he will get lazy and not eat (stupid logic but for some reason it works).
However you want to do it try and get him eating the right amount of fibre and see if he improves at all, if in a couple of weeks he is still having irregular poos, it could well be that he has a tummy bug and you may need to see a vet.
IF he is starting to get funny with your bf, he is probably starting to think about testing the water, like many teenagers. To re-enforce your bf’s position in the household as it were (or the pack for doggy brains), it is a good idea to get your bf to feed him and walk him,I guess that you go together, so get your boyfriend to hold the lead and keep him in check etc. I recommend handling the food with your hands as well so that your scent will be on/in it when he eats. Admittedly though this should probably wait until he is eating properly.
If you can think of anything else or I have misinterpretted anything keep on posting coz i really don’t mind sharing my experiences 😛 in fact i kinda miss that job now
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