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  • #1416

    Official List:
    (Fitzherbert – 700 – temporarily out while enjoying RL for a bit)
    Aigafeda – 342
    (Jaedia – 159 – incommunicado while moving)
    Simcha – 119
    Yarissa – 51
    Lezza – 16
    (Missy – 2 – out for the time being)
    Jacqques — 30(Wishes to be last)

    This list will change, of course. If you’re interested in being added, either leave a comment here or send an ingame mail with your character name and the number of complete artifact sets you have to Aigafeda or Yarissa.

    These are less rules and more guidelines. And as the list grows, so too may these ‘rules.’

    •If you wish to contribute artifacts, send to the person at the top of the above list; currently Aigafeda. They will then move the artifacts down the line.
    •If you receive artifacts from someone on the list, send them on to the name below yours on the list.
    •If you are the last person and already know the artifacts, well, send back to Aigafeda, who will auction or ribbon them.

    Some of these are questions I have been asked, others are more questions I think people would ask.

    Q: I haven’t checked the board in awhile/at all. How do I know who to send to?
    A: Either check the list here (which wouldn’t hurt anyway as it’s subject to change) or send me an ingame tell. I’m happy to answer!

    Q: Augh! I’ve messed up and don’t know what artifacts were sent to me and what artifacts I want to send to the beginning!
    A: That’s okay, I’ve done that, too! I’ve actually worked something out for this. Before you take your attachments, send the artifacts you want to circulate through fresh to the first name. Then check your mail and send on to the next person on the list.

    Q: Fitz, this artifact I picked up sells for a billion plat on the AH. Do I have to send it through?
    A: If it’s an artifact you have collected, the answer is no. You are free to do anything you wish with artifacts you’ve collected. You can try and sell it on the AH or you can send it to someone to ribbon. (I suggest adding to the subject something along the lines of ‘Please Ribbon.’ If it’s to me, capslock here won’t be frowned on.) If it isn’t an artifact you have collected, please do either learn it or send it on if you know it.

    Q: I don’t check the forums! How do I know who to send it to?
    A: Again, please feel free to message me. If I’m not on, Aigafeda or Jaedia may know.


    I’m under the impression that at the moment the artifacts are travelling in the circle quite randomly, so I’d like to clarify a couple of things :).

    * If you wish to contribute artifacts, send to the person at the top of the above list; currently Aigafeda. They will then move the artifacts down the line.

    1) When you find artifacts you want to be circled, always send them to Aigafeda, not to anybody else. I will forward them to Jaedia, always stating who they originally are from, e.g. “Skip Tina”, which means that Jae will forward them to Sim, and hopefully with the same notification, “Skip Tina”. Sim should then realize that the next person to receive the artifacts is Yarissa, not Tinawie.

    2) When I go artifact hunting myself and circle the (often bountiful) remains, I mail them to Jae saying something like “Forward, please” and Jae knows she doesn’t need to skip anyone and will hopefully copy the message title or use something similar.

    * If you receive artifacts from someone on the list, send them on to the name below yours on the list.

    See above :). If the message title says “Skip Someone”, skip that someone or copy the title to the next one on the chain. If there are no instructions of skipping a person, just forward them normally.

    * If you are the last person and already know the artifacts, well, send back to Aigafeda, who will auction or ribbon them.

    Right now the guild funds are in good shape, so I just ribbon them and put in the guild bank, please don’t be shy to withdraw them.

    * If you want your artifacts to be ribboned, send them to Aigafeda, and title the message clearly, like “Ribbon, please”.

    If you have any questions, poke me in game :).


    Using me as an example I see…. lesson to be learned there 😆


    Okay, phew! Already doing that. 🙂 I know Simmy accidentally sent some to Tina the other night which should have skipped him but that was my fault for distracting her at the time. 😆


    Oh, don’t worry – everybody makes mistakes there every now and then, and I doubt people really even notice those :).


    I’m up to 159 sets now by the way, might need updating in the list!

    Could you mark me as absent from now until I’m back with internet please? I’ll let you know when that is by posting here again. I might pop onto someone else’s net to say hi and such while without but don’t want to get flooded as I won’t want to catch up while I don’t have as much time as usual, so please skip me for a couple of weeks. 😀


    I’m bumping this one, because I’d like to know if anybody else is interested in joining the circle. Just post here if you are, and also add info on how many sets you’ve collected so far.

    For the old members of the circle: can you please update your info, please. I’m at 342 sets now :).


    Im at 2 heh. You can tske me off the list for the time beeing. Im not contributing atm so id rather sit out till i do instead of just getting fed with artifacts


    Got 30 so far Ani not far now 😆


    119 for me 😀


    Jae wants to be excluded of the list till she gets back in Rift, which is ok :). Rockerus wants to join the circle with one finished collection, so for the time being the chain looks as follows:


    I’ll add the returning or new members here. The guidelines for the circle can be found on the first posts of this thread :).


    Thanks for update Ani.

    Ive not seen many lately but I am hoping thats because peeps have been needing them 😀


    @Malbec wrote:

    Thanks for update Ani.

    Ive not seen many lately but I am hoping thats because peeps have been needing them 😀

    Er.. More like I’m slow at forwarding mails…


    @Simcha wrote:

    @Malbec wrote:

    Thanks for update Ani.

    Ive not seen many lately but I am hoping thats because peeps have been needing them 😀

    Er.. More like I’m slow at forwarding mails…

    YAY…I love surprises 😆


    I’ve spammed Sim and spammed a bit more today, I did a fast Freemarch run.

    I know most of the “old” members won’t need many of those artifacts, I collected them just to demonstrate Rock how the circle works and how much he really can get from there :).

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