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    I’m really looking forward to this one. I’m not as mad as most on DA2. Parts of it were better than DA:O, others weren’t. This looks great though.


    Hmmmmm – we really need the youtube imbed!


    We seem to have it…


    Odd – using [youtube]…[/youtube] didn’t work, but just posting the link did. Intelligent forum. I like. And I am confused.


    @Artucrus wrote:

    Odd – using [youtube]…[/youtube] didn’t work, but just posting the link did. Intelligent forum. I like. And I am confused.

    That’s OEmbed.


    I hated DA2. Most boring game i have played probably. I will try Dragon age Inquisition though, hoping that Bioware will wake up and make a better game.

    EDIT: Just copy pasting the link from youtube seems to do the trick indeed.


    Hopefully play through some Origins during my time without internet. 🙂


    @Davhek wrote:

    I hated DA2. Most boring game i have played probably. I will try Dragon age Inquisition though, hoping that Bioware will wake up and make a better game.

    EDIT: Just copy pasting the link from youtube seems to do the trick indeed.

    I read somewhere that this game will have about 40 different endings and not just slightly different but massively different based on choices made in this game and previous games. I really hope they deliver. 😀


    I am going to play this one.

    DA2 was not what I expected and the biggest part I didn’t like that every area was the same or just a part of a map you have already seen/used.
    But the story was k, and I liked the first one and the expansion, so really looking forward to this one and just like many others hoping on a big improvement.


    for me in da2 they took out all of the bits i enjoyed doing… I couldnt be a dwarf and I couldnt go and explore new areas… and hence i hated it


    I can’t wait for this game! Loved the first one, not so fussed about the second as it was incredibly limited as to who you could be and what you could do. However looking at the new one I’m starting to think that the second was only there to help set the build up for the third one as I feel it was pretty rushed.


    I was not a big fan of DA2 either, but at least it had Varric and some other cool characters. My favs were Fenris (unsuprisingly) and Aveline.

    After the hole that the ending of Mass Effect trilogy left I’m very much looking forward to the DAI to get the BioWare fix!

    What kind of character are you guys going to make for the 3rd one? I had a Human Noble Warrior in Origins, and a Mage in the 2nd, both female (of course) :P.

    I might do an elven rogue as it’s the only class I haven’t played in Dragon Age games. Though on the other hand, it’s always cool to roll as a warrior tank — nothing beats leading your party to battle with bulky armor and a big shield (at least in single player games.. In mmo’s I don’t enjoy the responsibility that much)


    I will probably try DA:I at some point but i don’t have high hopes for it. You probably know what race i will be playing.


    The Inquisition’s Edition has been announced:


    A little out of my price range and not to mention overkill for a game but it looks good.


    @Kallyra wrote:

    The Inquisition’s Edition has been announced:


    A little out of my price range and not to mention overkill for a game but it looks good.

    Well, it looks kinda nice superficially, but it’s a lot of money for what will almost certainly become a load of old tat sat gathering dust in a cupboard.

    I am looking forward to the game though; I am one of the very few people who enjoyed DA:2 despite its flaws.


    I like the cards (they sound like a lot of work went into them) and the lockpicking tools but I do agree with you. They’ll just end up collecting dust somewhere.

    I also loved DAII. I admit there were a lot of flaws with it, especially when it is compared to DAO but the characters were awesome (Varric, Fenris and Hawke) and the voice acting was great. I always went with the sense of humour Hawke and Varric nicknamed her Chuckles which I thought was hilarious. The random conversations between companions are always good and the DLC was also done well. Just wish the game was longer and that they had released more DLC.

    Fun fact time: the voice of Female Hawke is also the voice of the female Imperial Agent and the voice of Varric (Brian Bloom) also voices another class – male Trooper or Jedi Consular, I think.

    I am so excited that Varric will be back in DAI.

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