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    Update: Whoops I noticed there already was a thread about E3. I got too excited again and too quickly put this together. Oh well.

    Working in a game magazine I tend to be quite up-to-date with game news. As E3 is now over we have quite a bunch of new games to wait for!
    What were your favorite announcements? I’ll give my top 3. Or maybe 4. Or 5. Or if you didn’t follow E3, I’ll give you a few pointers.
    Take a look at the full list of games here: http://www.ign.com/wikis/e3/Games_at_E3_2014

    1. Dragon Age Inquisition
    Ok this you guys already probably know already. But still. Can’t wait!
    Dragon Age. Now with less ugly forests.

    2. Grim Fandango Remastered
    A beloved classic is getting a HD version. I used to draw dozens of pictures of this game when I was little-Tani.
    If you haven’t experienced this one yet it’s great time to do so. It’s a great story of salesmen and conspiracy in the land of the dead.

    3. No Man’s Sky
    This seems awesome for the lovers of exploration. Planets, teamwork and spaceships, and worlds to explore. Seems like it’s both
    peaceful and thrilling.

    4. Abzรป
    Simcha is going to love this. Peaceful, harmonious game about diving. Journey was a beautiful game so I have high hopes for this one.

    5. Ori and The Blind Forest
    This one is just plain pretty. Lots of Indiegames this year. And it has a big, evil owl in it. Must be good.

    Bonus: Inside
    Another interesting indiegame. Gloomy, creepy, dark, quiet.. The story is what interest me the most in this one.

    Mass Effect 4 was also announced. And a new IP from BioWare which is still a secret. I wonder what it will be? I hope they try something completely new.


    When I was little Malbec i played a demo of Grim Fandango, if memory serves me is that point and click?

    Some nice games and Indie games seem to be getting better and better.


    Yes Mal Fandango is point and click. Main thing is it has very memorable characters and quirky humor.
    I wonder if it will be as good these days though… or mere nostalgia. We’ll see.

    Artsy indie-games seem to be really IN right now! New ones keep coming from left and right.


    Aye some clever peeps out there.

    I use to love point and clicks and also want to kill them lol. Some of the Kings Quest spring to mind and i LOVED Broken Sword ๐Ÿ™‚


    3.4. amd 5 look absolutely GORGEOUS!! I shall have to look out for those. I love that style.


    Agreed with 2 and 5, partly agree with 3 cause it can turn out either good or bad with all those features.
    I have noted in the past my doubts about anything Bioware will make in the future. I will wait and see before i judge it.

    Grim fandango was not point and click. It used keyboard, pretty sure on that.


    Actually, when I think of it.. yes you’re right, GF used keyboard Rad. I guess by point and click I meant it’s a puzzle/adventure game.
    And whilst you were able to move around with manny with keyboard, the camera and background stay the same. So like in point and clicks, the “backrgound” is still.
    You don’t use the keyboard for really fighting anything, just walking around and picking up / using objects.

    If I remember correctly, it’s been a while..
    The second year was my fav. Glottis is teh best ๐Ÿ˜€

    And yes Jae, lots of eye-candy! For eye-candy I also recommend Trine and Trine 2. I’m playing Trine 2 with 3D glasses on with hubby and
    we’ll probably never finish the game because we just stand there stare at the environments ๐Ÿ˜€


    Trine is good but I have it on the Wii U sadly lol which is gathering dust at the moment. It is a stunning game but fun and frustrating to play. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Oooh Azbu do looks good! And does do Ori and the Blind Forest ๐Ÿ™‚


    I do have Trine 1 and 2, I suck at puzzles though. ๐Ÿ™‚

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