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  • #1466

    Hey all,

    So I’ve decided to roll an imp for when I’m bored and want to do evil things 😈

    I know we’ve got an imp side, I believe run by Quickblast, anyone advise me what it’s called?

    And if someone could send my character an invite it would be most appreciated 🙂

    My characters name in game is Rygus, I’ll give someone a whisper when I’m next on, if you can reply to this thread who’s in the imp side of Guild 😀



    Our Imperial Side Guild is called “The Deathbringers” – and I plan to spend a good deal of time on this weekend on May 4th when we have double xp again. Send me a tell in game next time you are online and I will swap and get you added.


    Shall do Noe 🙂



    May the 4th be with you



    i think i have an exam on the 6th… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!


    Ooh I have a few imps to bring over. 😀


    I’m signed up and good to go!

    Have brought over both my dark side toons – Deege and Colquhoun. 😈



    @Dogo wrote:

    I’m signed up and good to go!

    Have brought over both my dark side toons – Deege and Colquhoun. 😈


    Good to see you Dogo 🙂


    just hi-jacked this thread as its sort of related 🙂

    Just a little update, had a chat with artu,

    im going to be splitting my time between both factions, since I do pvp on both sides anyway and noticed a few regulars on their empire alts.

    from now on the empire guild will become active also BUT there will not be any raids organised by myself etc, im focusing the pvp aspect as I do on the republic side.

    I have recruited a couple of pvpers already and been completely honest with them so theres no miss understandings, false promises etc.

    My personal aim is to build an amazing premade for space and ground pvp on both factions. Don’t this reply just so people know if they log on to empire alts there might be a little more life but my main will be rep side.

    Have fun all 🙂


    Oh exciting stuff here, I hope Cosmos and you get the party started!


    @NoeNoa wrote:

    Oh exciting stuff here, I hope Cosmos and you get the party started!

    already have 🙂 we teaming up all time 🙂


    and now you are teaming with me atleast in some space pvp! 🙂


    I think this is a very exciting development 🙂

    As Quick said, we have been talking a bit about it – and we think it can work, if we are really honest about the level of activity and support the Imp guild will get – at least at this stage. We are of course aware of not creating two parallel guilds in the game, that have very little to do with each other as a community, but until the Imp guild has grown with enough mainly Imp active players, that will not be an issue.

    So basically it means more PvP options and activities for those masochists who like that sort of thing – I like my targets to be dumb AI, predictable. Lambs to the slaughter. Not all that jumping and spinning and ambushing and shooting back and all!


    In short, more PvP focused on the Emp side/guild and more PvE focused on our Rep/guild imo. Tho e do both contents on both sides.

    Playing my Powertech (pyro) and she: Xelinor, is lvl 47 and valor 47 now along with 1100+ ranked comms so getting there. Did some
    space pvp but more fun to play it with Quicky and others.

    Don’t be afraid of me, cause you might get “hooked up with me” sooner or later if you face me. Dat Grapple (+improved talent), nuff
    said ^^.


    @Cozmoz wrote:

    Don’t be afraid of me, cause you might get “hooked up with me” sooner or later if you face me. Dat Grapple (+improved talent), nuff
    said ^^.

    with other words, fatal attraction!

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