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  • #1641

    Hi guys, I was looking for a guild on the rift forums and found my way here.

    1. I’m looking to apply for Rift, and my name on the game is Krelron.

    2. I’m applying here because someone replied to my thread on the Rift forums and suggested I check this community out.

    3. I play a lot of games but my experience with MMO’s is pretty limited. I played WoW a while ago and had a lot of fun being a healer, but I stopped playing that because I rarely had anyone to play with. Hopefully joining a guild like this will fix that.
    Other than that though I play a lot of Dota 2 and some stuff on Xbox.

    4. I’m pretty awesome…This question is hard.
    I guess I’ll start with I’m an 18 year old guy called Tom that plays way too many games yet still manages to screw up in most of them. I’m the luckiest person you will ever meet as well. In games I am likely to crit a bunch of times in a row or something and in real life I managed to win a raffle I didn’t even enter.
    Uh, I don’t like seafood, I’m scared of pretty much everything scary and I like skiing.
    Its questions like this that make me wish I’d done something incredibly stupid or dangerous so I can use it to talk about myself.
    5. Can you confirm you are over the age of 18 please?
    I am 18. Still can’t grow anything but the worst sort of beard though.


    Welcome, that was me in the Rift Forum.

    As I said over there we have people leveling alts and we also mentor down and do dungeon runs from time to time.

    We have also started Raiding and once you max level the mad fun begins.

    An officer will look out for you in game. I will be about as well a bit later.

    My toon is Jacqques


    Warm welcome! Summer is often a bit quiet and F1 soon but just ask in the guild when u want to group. Ppl always try to help out 🙂


    Welcome among us lill crazy ppl, I see you have some craziness in you so you will fit in Purrrrrfectly 😆






    Welcome and hope you enjoy the ride :mrgreen:

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