About Us Forums Guest Area Guest Lounge [Rift] Thunkan – Guild Application

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  • #1593

    1. What game you are applying for and what is your main character’s name?

    Game: Rift
    Name: Thunkan

    2. Please tell us how you came to apply for Eternal-Dawn.

    I was looking around in the official rift forums recruitment section for a guild, to get back into rift with and liked what I saw when I came to your recruitment post. After enough time playing mmo’s it’s been beaten into me that they should just be about having fun with friends while being silly on voice chat. With that in mind, you guys look like the right bunch of people to do that with.

    3. It’s always interesting to know previous game experiences.

    Mmo’s have been my main game of choice for the past 9ish years. Wow has been the vast majority of it, with small diversions to experience the launch of ‘challengers’ such as Age of Conan, Warhammer online etc. In wow time has been spent raiding, generally hardmodes/top tier content but not at the highest level, the couple of guilds that I’ve been a part of were the type to manage to clear about half a tier of hardmodes before newer raids came along.

    Rift, I’ve tried to get into a few times now, with the longest time being a few months doing T1 content before storm legion hit with a guild on Icewatch called End of Days but I ended up not having the time to commit to mmo’s when storm legion rolled round so I quit.

    4. Delight the community with a brief introduction of yourself.

    Hi, I’m Alex, I’m from the south east of England, my job is being a Systems admin by day and a nothing at all by night

    5. Can you confirm you are over the age of 18 please?


    Welcome to the guild and community! Someone will contact u in game as soon as possible. U sound perfect and I can assure u we excel in your #2 “being silly” :mrgreen:


    Thank you for your app.

    Someone will look out for you in game.

    I will be around at about 7pm UK as we have a 10man Event tonight, if room your more than welcome but we run old content until everyone is geared up for T1


    welcome to the forums – there will be plenty of people online this evening to pass you an invite.


    Welcome – I just tossed you an invitation in game, check out your mail when you log in :).


    Welcome! 😈


    Welcome, I met you ingame before I saw your app.. so.. I guess you know what kind of folk we are. Sometimes we’re pretty chilled out. Sometimes we.. go.. a little off the rails. 😀 All good.


    Welcome to the nutty house 😆

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