About Us Forums Star Wars: The Old Republic SW:TOR Events Sat 14th 9am-3pm – Ground / Space pvp

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  • #1656

    Hi all

    I will be running a mixture of all pvp types and levels through out the day.

    anyone welcome to come and go as they want.

    Main types will be GSF and level 55 ground.

    I am happy to provide any advice for best ship lay outs etc and happy to help anyone get their augments sorted for their pvp gear.

    If anyone is interested and intends to join me post here so i got an idea of anyone about.

    For anyone new to pvp welcome to come along and ill do my best to help guide you.

    Little tips:

    Space pvp can be played from level 1, quest cant be picked up till you reach fleet ship. also refer to my guide on this website for everything you need.

    Ground pvp – no top end raid gear, this effects bolster in a bad way
    Add augments to your gear same as you do in PVE
    Carry stims with you (i can provide you with these)
    if your a class that has taunts these work in pvp also – they lower damage etc of incomming attacks
    get mumble installed if not done so and get set up ready
    last but not least

    Fight well and die well ๐Ÿ™‚


    Mรกkk and I have “house getting ready to sell” day planned, but I will be looking forward to rewarding myself with killing of ships. I do need to get my ship geared up and that only comes from persistence!! I’ll be around over my morning tea and toast, and then back again late afternoon to settle in for the evening. World Cup game not factored in yet, but sounds like a plan


    this date did not really go ahead except for me and met who represented our guild in an outstanding way.

    But on the sunday we had more interest, me noe. met, and new member jay took to the skies and blew everything out of the skies, we had some great games. we all worked really well as a team kept shouting out targets, who had us targeted etc and we did outstanding.

    Thos that were new to gsf i was really surprsied and proud of the raw skill we had in gsf team and hope to see more groups like this.

    Weldone to all those that joined in while i was there and after i left.



    we should do it again on a saturday/sunday and if there is more people to join us they are welcome

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