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  • #1588

    Hey everyone !

    Just thought I would finally jump in here and give you all a little insight on who I am. My name is Rick as most have noticed in the guild notes. I am a 40 year old father of 3 girls ( 8,12,22 ) yes god help me I am surrounded, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything as my girls and my love are my life. I am former Military ( US Army ) and just as southern as can be, and once you hear me talk you will see 😛

    I have the patience of a saint and a heart just as big as I for the most part will make sure someone else has something before I do, which is why most of my toons are behind but I dont mind. I started with MMO’s about 10 years ago when I started playing Star Wars Galaxies online.
    I spent the better part of 8 years there and played right up to the last second when they shut the servers down.

    I have done a good bit of pvp (although not a fan of it in swtor ) was accused and reported for speed hacking and got banned for a week and I have not set foot back in an arena since. I got better things to do than cheat. I am, and have pretty much been a pve kind of player. The team work involved is right up my alley. I am pretty much an open book so fire away with the questions if you feel the need. Last but not least, its rather nice to be in a guild thats not click-ish or full of Rambo wanna be’s. Those I have talked to so far in ED have been helpful and upbeat with a sense of enjoyment toward others.

    I guess thats pretty much it, I wont strain your eyes anymore than this so you have time to use them in game xD

    Mukaida lvl 55 Commando – DPS
    Leiylah lvl 55 Sage – Healer
    Teryck lvl 55 Smuggler – DPS

    Pheebz lvl 55 Sorc – DPS atm
    Kayson lvl 39 Sorc- DPS


    Welcome to the Community.


    Hello and welcome to our community. I liked your application a lot 🙂


    Good to have yoiu with us 🙂



    Welcome Mukaida – really good intro 🙂

    Very happy to have you be part of our little gathering of people enjoying the fine art of killing stuff online together 🙂

    From your description, you do seem to fit the bill for this guild very well. Being a father of one girl (2yr), I admire you courage and endurance with what you have 😛


    Abit belated but Welcome 😀


    Welcome to the Dawn buddy.


    Hello Rick! Thanks for the introduction. 3 Girls, oh goodness that is all sorts of bravery. 🙂


    Hey Rick – good to have you with us. Just catching up on the forums so sorry for the delay!

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