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    Well, some questions have emerged in my head from the day I hit 55 with my first char, questions that only now I managed to find a complete answer to. And to be entirely honest, from a DPS point of view, I have NOT imagined the reality that I found. I will have to rethink my gear…
    So, for those of you that are interested in any tweeks, no matter how small, just to juice an additional 0.53 DPS out of your output, take a look at the following and bask in my endless wisdom (or google search skills). I will warn you though that what follows may give a sense of confusion and spacial distortion to those that pick their gear based on pretty colors and hentai design (*looking at Bob*).

    The Primary Stats:

    Strength: Increases Melee Damage + Melee Crit
    Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior Bonus: Force Damage + Force Crit

    Willpower: Increases Force Damage + Force Crit
    Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin Bonus: Melee Damage + Melee Crit
    Jedi Sage/Sith Sorcerer Bonus: Healing Power

    Aim: Increases Ranged Damage + Ranged Crit
    Vanguard/Powertech Bonus: Tech Damage + Tech Crit
    Commando/Mercenary Bonus: Tech Damage + Tech Crit + Healing Power

    Cunning: Increases Tech Damage + Tech Crit
    Gunslinger/Sniper Bonus: Ranged Damage + Ranged Crit
    Scoundrel/Operative Bonus: Ranged Damage + Ranged Crit + Healing Power

    Endurance: Increases health

    Presence: Increases companion damage, companion health, and companion healing

    The Secondary Stats:

    Accuracy Rating: Increases your chance to hit with all attacks. Keep in mind there are separate caps for different types of attacks. If you go over 100% hit, the additional percentage is converted into defense penetration!

    Critical Rating: Increases your chance to score a critical hit with all heals and attacks.

    Surge Rating: Increases critical bonus damage with all heals and attacks. The default bonus is 50% extra damage/heals on a crit, which this rating improves.

    Alacrity Rating: Decreases activation time for all abilities. This includes both casted abilities and channeled abilities. Alacrity Rating does decrease the global cooldown, making the stat worth something for melee or instant-cast characters.

    The Power Stats:

    Power: Generic stat that increases the damage (and healing!) of all of your abilities, regardless of type.

    Tech Power: Increases only abilities considered “tech,” such as grenades or flamethrowers.

    Force Power: Increases only abilities considered “force,” such as Telekinetic Throw or Shock.

    Healing Power Tech: Increases the amount healed by all of your Tech healing abilities.

    Healing Power Force: Increases the amount healed by all of your Force healing abilities.

    And now that you already know what’s what, let’s proceed to the math!

    Bonus Damage (from main stat) = (Strength or Willpower or Aim or Cunning) * 0.2
    Bonus Damage (from force/tech power) = (Force or Tech Power) * 0.23
    Bonus Damage (from power) = Power * 0.23

    Bonus Healing (from main stat) = (Strength or Willpower or Aim or Cunning) * 0.14
    Bonus Healing (from force/tech power) = (Force or Tech Power) * 0.17
    Bonus Healing (from power) = Power * 0.17

    Critical Chance (from crit rating) = 30 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( CritRating / 55 ) / 0.9 ) )
    Critical Chance (from main stat) = 20 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.2 ) )^( ( PrimaryStat / 55 ) / 5.5 ) )
    Surge Percentage = 30 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( SurgeRating / 55 ) / 0.22 ) )
    Alacrity Percentage = 30 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( AlacrityRating / 55 ) / 1.25 ) ) )
    Accuracy Percentage = 30 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( AccuracyRating / 55 ) / 1.2 ) )

    Max Health = BaseHealth + Endurance * 10 (BaseHealth at 55 is 4000)
    Defense Chance = 30 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.3 ) )^( ( DefenseRating / 55 ) / 1.2 ) )
    Shield Chance = 50 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.5 ) )^( ( ShieldRating / 55 ) / 0.78 ) )
    Absorb Percentage = 50 * ( 1 – ( 1 – ( 0.01 / 0.5 ) )^( ( AbsorptionRating / 55 ) / 0.65 ) )
    Damage Reduction = ArmorRating / ( ArmorRating + 240 * 55 + 800 ) * 100

    GCD = 1/(1 + Alacrity%/100)



    This is good. I stickied it 🙂

    You care to do some of that math with examples. So compare two Sentinel pieces of equally the same level, but with different stats on them? Guess it is mostly relics. Because most of the gear pieces, are already set. Also depending on what this means when you compare pieces, it might mean scavenging a lot more than we currently do, to get the right mods from certain pieces, armor from other and enhancements from some third in order to create the optimal set?

    Also here are some other useful stats – namely which values you should aim for as the different roles:

    Shadow DPS
    Willpower >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%)

    Shadow Tank
    Willpower > Shield (38%) > Absorption (44%) > Defense (20%) > Endurance

    Sage DPS
    Willpower >= Accuracy (110%) > Power > Surge (70%) > Crit (25%) > Alacrity

    Sage Heal
    Willpower >= Surge (75%) > Alacrity (8%) > Crit (22%) > Power

    Sentinel (Watchman)
    Strength >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%)

    Guardian DPS
    Strength >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%)

    Guardian Tank
    Defense (21%) = Absorption (34%) = Shield (42%) > Endurance > Strength

    Vanguard DPS
    Aim >= Accuracy (110%) > Power > Surge (70%) > Crit (25%)

    Vanguard Tank
    Shield (42%) = Absorption (41%) = Defense (21%) > Endurance > Aim

    Commando DPS
    Aim >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%) > Alacrity

    Commando Heal
    Aim >= Power > Surge (70%) > Alacrity > Crit (25%)

    Scoundrel DPS
    Cunning >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%) > Alacrity

    Scoundrel Heal
    Cunning >= Power > Surge (70%) > Alacrity > Crit (25%)

    Gunslinger DPS (Sharpshooter)
    Cunning >= Accuracy (110%) > Surge (70%) > Power > Crit (25%) > Alacrity


    The math goes quite deep, for some reasons the creators of the game did not want us to have it easy.

    The most important things to be noticed are the difference between the Primary skills and Tertiary (Power skills).
    As I would have expected (and for the sake of a simple example I will use my smashy-smashy sentinel) Strength being the primary start, it would increase my damage output by far. In truth it appears that Power is the one that does that.

    Now granted, the primary stat (strength) increases damage by less then power, but it increases the critical chance as well so up to a certain level strength does give more DPS, but once you capped the critical chance you got to switch to power to boost dps. Now, AFAIK the hard cap for critical is 25%, but I am not aware of any softcaps, or the compensation of power after reaching the softcaps.

    Of course a second alternative to this would be a power based gear with lots of alacrity, that would give you a fast and hard damage output, rather than the slower but more critty build based on strength.

    Of course, as you said, the best way of concluding this would be to have a lot of mods, changing them and beating the hell out of target dummies with different setups and analyzing the DPS output.


    Riposte for Jedi Guardians provides a bonus of 5% to defense and its up all the time cause it always procs. So technicaly you could have your defense at about 16+ and be alright.


    To go further with this, I have been looking for a DPS meter for some time, and I can say that I found one (maybe the only one still active) that seems to offer useful details.
    It is a bit of a nuisance to set up, and to top it, in order to receive a decent read-out, it is advised to create a group of users, link them together so the parser can collect individual information from each player, combine it and display it for each player.

    I will install it, and if any of you want to do the same, it would be nice to compare some data, even if we only use it to learn from it and improve our gameplay, and not to boast on who has the longest … DPS/Threat/Heals bar.



    @Davhek wrote:

    Riposte for Jedi Guardians provides a bonus of 5% to defense and its up all the time cause it always procs. So technicaly you could have your defense at about 16+ and be alright.

    I do think that they take that into account when they set the levels you should aim for. To achieve those numbers, you often need end game gear and they recommend you have this build:


    Meaning that they will count on you using all your abilities to the fullest, including riposte and 5% it gives.


    There really isnt another viable build for tanking though. It has to include all those abilities pretty much. Reading that i understood that 21% is your aim, not 21% + riposte.
    Anyway, i do not agree with a few choices in that build anyway.You do not “really” need Master Focus as a tank. It really isnt needed to have more damage in master strike as you will only use if everything else is on CD and you are satisfied with your positioning. Also i have tested with Swelling Winds and i found out that the 20% increased damage on force sweep and cyclone slash, although quite significant, doesnt really affect threat generation much. I prefer Guardianship.
    That’s all!

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