About Us Forums Star Wars: The Old Republic SW:TOR Events Tuesday 10 June Operations

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  • #1648

    So we go again, everything have been regurgitated for us to swallow again.

    As I see it we have two options (might end up not really having any – but you know, in the dreams of your dreams and all that).

    1) Everyone comes with their best toon, we are fortunate and have the right balance of tanks, healers and dps’ and we go do something harder than usual (TC, TfB and S&V HM) – that would be good and challenging, and could give some drops that would even further increase gear


    2) We take a more motly crew, where people can bring their alts that needs gearing up and we’ll do stuff like TC SM, Classic Op and TfB/S&V SM for comms and loot. This will be a bit more of the same old, but with some success, will give us greater variety down the road as more and more people have more toons to choose from for every op.

    Say if you’re coming, and what you prefer to aim for. I can say right now, that if I am not confident that we have the team for option 1, then we won’t do it. Wiping as part of progression is a-ok. Wiping because we dicktwats that are undergeared are just frustrating.


    I’ll be there & can bring either my main (might need to dust him off 😆 ), or any of my other alts if needed. I’m very flexible 😯


    I can come along if you need a spare tank, dps, healer or general anything goes kind of guy 🙂


    I should be up for this.


    I’ll try to get on for this, depends on how bogged down with work I am, if you manage to get a group together before I’m on, just go on ahead.

    But if I do get on, I don’t mind what we do, as I only have Alatar anyways 😛


    I have to admit that originally I wanted to sit this one out, as I have a shitload of work, but seeing the setup, it kinda makes it irresistible.
    So… I’ll join the op, if nothing goes horribly wrong, and I’d love to take the option 1, where we take our best, do a weekly HM run in under 1h, so I can return to my work. (Yeaaaaaahhhhh)

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