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  • #1596

    1. What game you are applying for and what is your main character’s name?

    Game: RIFT & Main Character Name: Vejovis

    2. Please tell us how you came to apply for Eternal-Dawn.

    I discovered your guild through the RIFT Recruitment Forums, and from your advert, I liked the sound of the guild, so here I am applying.

    3. It’s always interesting to know previous game experiences.

    Compared to most people, I guess you could class me as a young spring in terms of MMOing. I start back in 2005 with Guild Wars 1, and this really became my main hub for gaming over the next 6-7 years. Over that same time I delved into various MMOs such as EVE Online, Champions Online, Perfect World International, Battle Of Immortals, DoD Online & DC Universe Online. More recently I have been playing Guild Wars 2, and as of this year I started playing RIFT.
    On the side I’ve always enjoyed game consoling, PC strategy gaming and city simulators.

    4. Delight the community with a brief introduction of yourself.

    Hi my name is James and I’m a alcoholic…. Whoops wrong group. I am James, 24 years of age and from London, UK. I graduated a few years back, and now work in London as a Civil Engineer. You say brief introduction…. so I’ll finish with; I’m a friendly enough soul, I’ll always be helpful and thoughful to others, although my RIFT experience is not much, I am up for learning, and if I am accepted by you, I will look forward to gaming with you all.

    5. Can you confirm you are over the age of 18 please?

    Well I can given a written statement in this thread to confirm I am over the age of 18, but will not be able to provide any more evidence than that, unless you request some sort of ID, Birth Certificate requisition.


    Thanks for a nice application – we’ll find you sooner or later, so be prepared :).


    @Vejovis wrote:

    Hi my name is James and I’m a alcoholic….

    My name is James and I too am a alcoholic, just check my name 😉

    Nice app and welcome.

    Register on forums and we will look out for you in game.

    We are on Gelidra server. We just sent an invite out and in never recognised you so are you transferring?



    Welcome to the guild !

    @Malbec wrote:

    …and I too am a alcoholic…

    I always thought you were just a cock 😀


    I need to meet one more of the requirements to be able to transfer after reading the RIFT Wiki, I will have to get back to you tomorrow, thank you for your time so far 🙂


    No worries, give us a shout when you are ready




    Welcome! 😛


    Welcome to the forums and guild; look forward to seeing you in game.


    A wonderful introduction and Welcome to join our GAA Community 😆

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