The Elder Scrolls Online Guild had its first wedding on Friday which saw Blu Cry and Emma G tie the not for extra XP. They are also real life husband and wife and very new...
Not one of you noticed Malbec’s bikini….. “It was a bright and cold day in February [April] and the clocks were striking 13″ – George Orwell What better time to gather the ESO Members and...
EDers, The summer is coming to an end and its time we picked up the pace in the Elder Scrolls Online to see if we can start looking at Trials. But whoa there……not so fast...
Hi all! We’ve made it happen and finally ventured into the Mind of Madness as a guild! A few of us have been in there already but the majority hasn’t and it was a pretty...
Hello all! Quite a few things to report on the Rift side of ED again. First off – and kind of late – we have reached the max guild level (30)! Grats ED! Thanks to everyone...
After a summer of slacking off, the Guild decided to relaunch the autumn ops season with a bang and visit their favourite nemesis: the Underlurker! After several years of intermittent attempts, now was the...
Just a short update regarding our… unfinished business from last Sunday (see last post): We went back into CoA with the best wishes for Lord Fionn to just and he did! It took us pretty...
It’s been a while! And yes, we’re still around and kickin’! The guild’s been a bit quieter over the summer but as summer holidays are coming to an end the activity’s bouncing back up with...