Not one of you noticed Malbec’s bikini….. “It was a bright and cold day in February [April] and the clocks were striking 13″ – George Orwell What better time to gather the ESO Members and...
Just a short update regarding our… unfinished business from last Sunday (see last post): We went back into CoA with the best wishes for Lord Fionn to just and he did! It took us pretty...
It’s been a while! And yes, we’re still around and kickin’! The guild’s been a bit quieter over the summer but as summer holidays are coming to an end the activity’s bouncing back up with...
Been a while since the last Rift raiding update! A lot of craziness happened. With the nerfs to boss hp in raids we are having an easier time with dps checks which is great for...
Hello all! Just after ED’s 2 year anniversary the other day our raid team also achieved a few things worth celebrating. For the third week in a row we have been back in Hammerknell! It...
Another milestone for ED’s Rift team! Our very first run in with the guard dog at the doors of the T2 raid Hammerknell, Murdantix. Stubborn little puppy, took a while to tame it. But we made...
After a very quick Mount Sharax 4/5 clear we went off to Tyrants Forge to pay Johan a visit. Oh dear, what a crazy mess that was; “lets jump in the water and swim there...
No sooner did we add our new Rift Raid Progress Art we had to update it with a further 2 kills. We are now 4/4 Rhen of Fate, 4/4 intrepid Gilded Prophecy and now, thanks...